
Sunday 17 September 2023


 Katie responds to the media war against Russell Brand. 

It's no coincidence that this happens at the time that Rupert Murdoch tried to take down Tucker Carlson. In Canada, they've been going after Professor Jordan Peterson and trying to take his clinical license to practice. They went after Joe Rogan, and now Russell Brand. What do they all have in common, think about it. 

The fact is that Russell Brand had a full gig last night at Wembly and he received a standing ovation when he arrived. He's currently on tour, with his "Biopolarisastion" tour and these are his tour dates in the UK.

From what I have viewed in this case so far, I agree with Katie because it looks like an orchestrated campaign against a man that has been standing against tyranny inflicted upon our people with the injections. His past wasn't hidden, he wrote books and spoke about his life, he even used his own life in his comedy. 

What I did notice is that not one of the journalists wrote about his troubled childhood with his father, the fact that he was a victim of a tutor, nearly died of heroin, and went on to rehab to turn his life around took immense effort on his part. I remember him saying that it was his manager that saved his life by convincing him to go to rehab and therapy. 

When he was younger I always thought he was on the spectrum because he is so high functioning, like an Asperger's. Asperger's also tend to be "obsessive" like he has been during his life. 

He's been in therapy for decades and it shows in how he has improved his personal life immensely. So they picked now in the run up to elections in the UK and America to make a strategic attack on a happily married man with two young daughters. Just look at the timing of it, the timing says it all. 

I was never a fan of Russell when he was championing the lefty narratives. However, his eyes were opened by various professionals that include Candace Owens. It was the first interview where I have seen Russell Brand tongue tied, he finally met his match with Candace that could speak eloquently has fast has he could. 

We were pleased when he left America and came back home to England to live, we were pleased that he got out of the Hollywood scene for his own health and the peace of his soul. 

This case is likely to go on for sometime, has Neptune is in Pisces for the next two years during this electioneering cycle. Hence, I don't anticipate that it will be solved quickly. 


Has of yesterday, there were 134 complaints to OFCOM on the "Unfair Coverage" by CH4 in the Dispatches documentary. The British government have written to Rumble asking when they will de-platform him and Rumble have responded that will not be doing so. 

I cannot condone a  "Trial by Media" or the fact that the government thinks it has the right to tell a business to de-platform someone, like they have to Tiki Tok and Rumble. Even more so being a Conservative government and that Maggie Thatcher was against "Trial by Media". 

Gad Saad shared this video today regarding Rumbles response to the British government.

Russell Brand never hid his behaviour in the past it was there for all to see with our eyes open. His comedy was also an expression of the space that he was in and his life has changed positively since he began therapy all of those decades ago. I agree with Maggie Thatcher, only in a court of law can justice be done for all that are involved to have their day in court. Although drugs are not an excuse for any "crime", one cannot deny that recreational drugs do have a huge harmful impact on a person's behaviour and psychology. 

"It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites" Thomas Sowell 

The British government are trying to bankrupt and silence Russell Brand, is that fair and just without even a court case against him? The last time that Russell Brand sued a newspaper was in 2014, he won the case of "libel" against the Sun newspaper. So you can be sure that Rupert Murdoch has an axe to grind. 

You can be sure that Russell's lawyers are all over this case. 

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