
Thursday 21 September 2023


I received a dream this morning, in the dream I received news that there was a building project near our university in a nice area. So I went to look at the new development with the idea of buying one. 

A young woman was there when I arrived in the countryside and I asked her if I could view a property. She responded, yes. 

We then went to view one of the properties, it was really nice, I liked the layout, size and quality of the kitchen. I then asked her if we could go and look at the garden. While with her, I asked how migrants had moved in and how many more would be. She didn't know what to say, I then said, " you realise that you will have trouble selling these properties if people know that there are going to be a lot of migrants moving into the building". 

When outside of the building, I saw the man that had paid for the building to be built, he was with another man that looked like the architect or building contractor, the second man was wearing a suit. I think these properties had been built on farmland. 

If we look at the dream in a literal sense, it is a warning dream, warning us that a lot of property development is for housing economic migrants and the university has something to do with it. 

In dream interpretation, a property can have different meanings, for instance: 

A new house predicts financial security, in the dream I had the ability to purchase, hence the viewing. Building a house or seeing one under construction forecasts unexpected gain, possibly through a legacy. Buying a property can indicate a short but exciting love affair, selling a property augurs a release from pressing responsibilities. 

If the property was an apartment and it was large enough for you and you liked the quality of it, you can expect a stead increase in prosperity. 

To dream of a strange man can indicate all will be well for the family of the dreamer. 

There were three people in the dream and that is the numeric of wisdom. Although in dream interpretation it can indicate and increase in power and prestige if you know how many people were in the dream. 

It's interesting to note that the property market are saying viewing of properties on-line has decreased by 50% and prices are reducing quickly. Some say that property prices will be slashed by 30% by 2025. 

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