
Thursday 14 September 2023


Its New Moon in Virgo an Earth sign tomorrow and Jewish New Year celebrations of Rosh Hashanah. 

For the Jewish people it is the year 5784, adds up to 24, compounds to 6 = Star of David. It's interesting to yours truly because I am still in a 6 year in my own life cycle. The 15th of September is the "Day of Mastery", the 15th day also compounds to 6. Work wise the numeric of 6 does relate to health that includes food and nutrition, interesting that orthodox Jews are eating a lot of oxalates that is a cause of chronic disease and a national health crisis in the UK. 

If you are interested in the harm that oxalates are doing to your body, then please take a serious look at the work of Sally K. Norton, her book on it is titled "Toxic Superfoods". 

An American Christian view of 5784. 

A Jewish view of this particular Rosh Hashanah, when it comes on Shabbat, the Shofar is not blown. 

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