
Monday 25 September 2023


Milk Haulier, Lloyd Fraser went into administration on the 22nd September. Lloyds Fraser is one of the biggest milk hauliers in the UK and it is owned by an Irish venture capitalist company Barbican Capital. 

Its HQ is in Rugby, Warwickshire. Tankers have been locked in at diaries and were unable to pick up and deliver milk. This will also impact upon products made from milk, e.g. yogurt etc.

500 jobs are at risk. In its last accounts to February, 2022, turnover of Lloyd Fraser increased by 20.6% to £43.99M (2021 it was -£36.4M).

Barbican Capital are seeking compensation after the milk haulier was "incorrectly", placed into administration. Lloyd Fraser collect milk for food processors that include Arla, Muller and Meadow Foods. It looks like it is an accounting issue because Barbican Capital are blaming the actions of Close Brothers Ltd and Close Invoice Finance Ltd.

Also in farming, livestock farmers have been told to decrease their livestock for environmental reasons, while the British government import more meat from abroad in their new trade deals.

There's nothing environmentally friendly about importing food from abroad when we can produce it on our own land. 

Farmers via the NFU have written to the British government warning them food security and the dangers of importing so much foreign food -v- investing in British agriculture. The NFU is calling for more investment so that we the people have food security in the UK. 

The farmers also say that there are 100M people living in the UK. How do they know? The amount of food they provide. 

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