
Monday 4 September 2023


It took a long time to get off to sleep last night, so only slept for a few hours. However, while in dream state, this morning I dreamt that I was wearing a flowery Kimono, it is a high quality Kimono that I bought from a charity shop to wear in the summer indoors due to it being cool to wear. 

Although in this morning's dream, I wore the short Kimono outdoors and I was going to a meeting wearing it. It has red/pink with green leaves on a beige background, with an olive green sash. In the dream, people were admiring what I was wearing has I was walking along to go to the meeting. 

In dream interpretation, wearing a dress can indicate social satisfaction. Wearing a Kimono, can represent honour and respect. It is the cultural dress associated with Japan and in dream interpretation it can represent culture. I associate Japan with Reiki healing, I did train in it and teach it. 

I trained for five years and taught for five years,  I took the journey slowly and enjoyed each step of the way. I also supported the students that required it for ten years. Some really liked to stay in touch with yours truly. Buddhist monks and nuns also were kimono's. In this bust of Yeshua he is wearing a buddhist knot, it was found during the excavations of an ancient Buddhist-Greek city near the border of what is now known has Afghanistan. This is the most accurate depiction that I've ever seen of him. 

It is written that in Japanese the word means, "the thing to wear", although it does include my name. You will find the word "Kim" in many cultures in different languages and it is biblical. You will find it in the OT and NT. 

The word "ono" in Japanese means "small field".

It is Jewish holidays in September, Rosh Hashanah. 

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