
Saturday 30 September 2023


Professor Matthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics at the University of Kent and a commissioner of the Social Mobility Commission, addressed the New Culture Forum's spring conference, which was held in Birmingham, in April, 2023. He argues that Britain is in the grip of a new elite, which has been rapidly losing touch with the rest of the country, setting the stage for a looming backlash among the masses. 

He begins his speech with hope due to the amount of alternative media, voices speaking up challenging the MSM, politicians and the status quo. 

I noticed this last week while looking at the coverage by the East Anglian Daily Times. Mid Suffolk District Council denied planning for two houses to be built to replace a couple of poultry sheds. The planning application was turned down for the following reasons: 

"insufficient ecological information regarding European protected species such has great crested newts and bats. They also refused the plans due to the proposal being an 'unsustainable location', due to future occupants having to use a private car to access facilities and employment, which the council states is 'tangible environment harm'. 

It's important to note that none of the councils have made such statements refusing the "tangible environmental harm", of 5g, mobile phones and smart meters, let alone the proposed pylons that they'd like to spread across East Anglia. Now there is real science for that. The Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic fields.

Once you know the impact on wildlife, then take a look at the impact on humans, especially children and the elderly. 

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