
Wednesday 2 August 2023


Yesterday was the Full Moon in Aquarius, today, is 15th Av, Jewish holiday, celebrated has the most joyous day of the year. 

This morning I had a dream of our local Health Club, first of all I saw women in their wedding dresses in the swimming pool, has I looked to my left they were also wearing wedding dresses in the gym. I thought, I'm going to wear mine too. Then I was swimming in my wedding dress. 

The white wedding dress is a symbol of purity, and it is also a symbol of making a commitment. These women had made a commitment to their health, when people put in the effort to be has healthy has can be, it gives glory to God. Has the bible says, "they will come dressed in white". 

In dream interpretation swimming in a pool can be a "warning of hostility" around you and a dream of watching females swimming is a sign of good luck in love. If you see men swimming in a pool, it means good luck in business. 

I certainly enjoy going to the Health Club and swimming, this evening I'm trying water aerobics. 

Have a wonderful joyous 15th Av. 

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