
Tuesday 8 August 2023


The Daily Mail revealed that the solicitors earning loads of money out of blocking economic migrants from boarding the barge in Portland, England are Duncan Lewis. They're working for the charity Care4Calais and the Charity Commission have been investigating that charity since 2020.

If you put Care4Calais in the search engine, the names of the trustees come up, shared by the Charity Commission. One of the trustees is a lawyer.

The original founder of the charity Care4Calais was only in the position of Chairman for a month, too much responsibility for her? She left in May 2023, and is now working closely with the trade unions.

It is important to note that in the 70s the trade unions were against joining the EU due to the devastating impact it would have on the British workforce and standard of living. Tony Benn and his supporters were absolutely correct; salaries in real terms haven't increased since the 80s. The trade unions knew in advance the damage that open borders and the free movement of people would do to our country. 

In the Daily Mail report today, the "illegal migrant", Amir, 32, says he flew into our country and left his wife at home in Afghanistan. The illegals that have boarded the barge are from Afghanistan and Iran. Today, they were being taken on a sightseeing coach trip around Devon, after having breakfast that was better than the hotels says Amir. After he spoke to the media, charity workers ushered him away, telling him not to speak to the media.

On the radio today, residents in Portland where the barge is docked said that Portland only has one way in and out and that there is a safety/security risk. None of the locals in the rural areas would like the illegals on their doorstep and all blame the government for not processing their claims soon enough. Apparently, the Home Office, under Suella Braverman have increased the staff levels by 50%. 

It's appalling that foreign illegals can get legal aid when British people can't. The majority of our people would like the invasion of our country to stop. I'd hand the matter over to the MOD to defend our country and people. This Syrian that refused to get on the barge says the space on the barge is too small for him. 

Alas, he didn't mind having no space at all while on the boat on the channel did he? Hand him and all the others who refuse to get on the barge over to the military so that they can be interrogated by those that speak their language.

There are 5 million British people out of work, and successive governments haven't informed the people that there are 100M people living in the UK. Sewage operators and our farmers say it is 100 million people, the food stores say it's 80M. Our country is overpopulated and our people are living in rabbit hutches. Yet, these middle eastern men coming to our country uninvited and demand more space, its totally outrageous that they have any support at all. 

There is no more room in the UK for anymore migrants, legal or otherwise, while our people live in the smallest spaces in Europe and our countryside is being covered in concrete. On top of that there is a cost-of-living crisis and our own are homeless and that includes the veterans. 

For every house built on green belt land, that is even more destruction of the natural wildlife habitat, the less habitat the native wildlife have, the more destruction to the food chain and eco-system of our country. 

Legal practices have been closed down, lawyers representing migrants are being investigated and about time too. What happened to lawyers defending British people? Our people can't find a Human Rights lawyer and they can't get legal aid. That is legal discrimination against our own people. When I was looking for a Human Right's lawyer there wasn't a single one working for our people in our county. Not only that but local solicitors said they weren't offering legal aid anymore. 

When I phoned the Law society to tell them, they said it was up to the solicitors to keep them updated on what they were offering. That means that even the Law Society didn't know who was doing what. 


Law Professor, Andrew Tettenborn gives his damning verdict of the British legal profession.

Come on Patriots, ARISE -v- Duncan Lewis who also stopped the Rwanda plan, enough really is enough! 

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