
Sunday 13 August 2023


I received a dream this morning, I was all dressed and had my dog with me. We were touring an historic site in the area of Chelmsford. Has we were leaving the location there were people milling around. In the distance I could see a man with two large dangerous dogs, so we turned around and went in a different direction. The man with the two dogs also turned around and went in a different direction when he saw us. 

Then I heard shooting and other people coming from a different direction behind us began shooting back in response. The response shooters were defenders of the locality. 

I asked a man with a transit van for directions to transportation home and he asked me if I would like some drugs, he was offering everything including heroin. I replied, NO, I told him I was going home. He said he would have a word with a friend because he was always driving his daughter to where I live. 

Then I walked to a shopping mall, was swanning around looking at the contents of the shops and was asking people there for the way to the train or bus station. When at the booking office, the man behind the desk said that the bus would take hours to get home, and that there were no trains for another two days, due to works having to be completed on the train system. I then asked where I could get a taxi home and the dream came to a close. 

Dangerous dogs, drug dealer, shooters etc. Indicative of the state of what the nation has become. 

No to drug dealers, no to dangerous dogs and their owners, no to those that try to scare our people with firearms in the UK. I wasn't afraid during the dream, I was just being rational, common sense. 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10. 


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