
Friday 18 August 2023


In the dream I was in an old house that we lived in during the 80s and 90s. I was at the top of the house in one of the attic rooms and the ceiling had to be replaced. The roof had been replaced in the 80s, but there must have been a leak due to the state of the ceiling. 

In the dream I was looking at the ceiling and was asking a builder for a quote for replacing it. A man in a dream can also be symbolic of business. Friends were saying just sell the house has it is, I replied, no, it has to be resolved due to the damage. 

Dream interpretation is interesting, in dream interpretation, "a cracked or damaged ceiling is a warning dream and it warns against possible trickery from inside your close circle of associates".  

It's not the first time in the last 20 years that I've been warned about competitors and people that feel the need to compete with yours truly. Although it never really bothered me due to being an Aquarian, we are way ahead of the other star signs. It has been written many times, you can only reach us in tomorrow. 

However, in business "hitting the ceiling" is a metaphor. Forbes wrote "to break through the ceiling you have to move beyond your comfort zone, get uncomfortable". 

It's often the case when people think they have gone has far as they can go in a particular business, especially during recessionary times and a cost-of-living crisis, they either sell-up or diversify e.g don't put all of your eggs in one basket and have different income streams. 

In the 80s whilst I knew that my London experience and talent and helped a company to grow, I arrived at a point whereby I wasn't being appreciated by the owner for the new business development that I was responsible for.  He left me no choice but to leave and start my own business.  The original company then had an additional competitor in business, and I won numerous large business accounts, it was a success very quickly. 

In the 90s during the recession I did diversify and move into a different market and I loved it. It led to a different career working in health and healing and it completely changed my life spiritually and in many different ways for the better. I was fortunate to enjoy two very different careers during my life of working. 

If you ever feel that you've reached the ceiling in your life, or that you are shown it in a dream, there is always something else, waiting just for you. Yes, I agree with Forbes that it does mean moving on and out of your comfort zones which is very difficult for many people to do. I'm incredibly tolerant, and at some times in my life I've been too tolerant of the actions of others that were detrimental to my life. 

I could say that about our people has a whole, the British people have been far too tolerant for decades which is why our country of England is in the state that it is with the excessive changes in our country. 

During the 80s and 90s we were so busy paying for a roof over our heads, bringing up our children, working hard to pay for it has well has our charitable works that our minds weren't focussed on what was destroying the fabric of our homeland. In hindsight, my generation took our hard earned freedom for our people for granted, freedom that has eroded since the 80s. 

In the dream, the ceiling had to be restored and that was going to cost money to do so. Freedom also costs, in time and effort and freedom is a key word for Aquarians. 

What did Jesus say about the roof? "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight, what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the rooftops". Matthew 10:27. In some translations it is "housetops". 

"Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops" Luke 12.3 

Also in dream interpretation to dream of an attic can hold a promise of comfort in old age. I certainly do have a loving companion by my side. He's adorable. Has scripture states, "The dog licked it!". 

"Gray hair is a crown of splendour, it is attained in the way of righteousness" Proverbs 16:31 

What's happening planetary wise? Venus retrograde in Leo Cazimi. I have Pluto in Leo. 

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