
Monday 31 July 2023


I think there is an American 'food conspiracy' to make more Americans sick so that big pharma can sell them more drugs. 

This video presentation is from the Low Carb Conference Denver 2023. The presentation is titled, Nina Teicholz presentation US Dietary Guidelines are out of step with the science. Nina is a Science Journalist and the author of "The Big Fat Surprise". 

Guidelines are updated every five years and Congress isn't happy with the guidelines or how they are put together. 


This is another presentation at the conference, Bret Scher, MD presents his case for KETOSIS has a medical intervention. I agree with him, ketosis is not a diet. 20+ years ago, Archangel Michael spoke of it being a disinfectant for the body. A fat burning metabolism is far more healthy for people than a sugar burning metabolism. A fat burning metabolism is how we are meant to be and why we were created the way that we are. 

I will add a NOTE: 20+ years ago, Great Ormand Street Children's Hospital did a study with epileptic children for two years. One group of children were put on a High Protein, Low Carb diet and in that group, the children's seizures stopped completely. Hence,  I agree with Bret Scher, MD, it is not a diet when it is a medical intervention. 

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