
Wednesday 19 July 2023


Pluto in Aquarius what did we learn? 25minute video from World Astrology Report. 

"The promise and the perils of Ai" is discussed in this video.

So far it has been discovered that Ai is filled with propaganda. I'm an Aquarian, key word "freedom", Ai doesn't represent freedom, only the Spirit of truth represents freedom to Aquarians that know themselves and the divine. There isn't anything that human kind can create that can defeat the divine that created us. 

Has Jesus said to his healers, "do not worry", "do not be afraid". Remember this that Jesus chose his companions for their integrity. Integrity and integration of the Spiritual laws is where the divine Aquarians stand. 

This Aquarian has never bought an iPhone, I'm not into technology that costs a lot, technology that harms the human race will kill itself due to the harm it causes. Just like the British Broadcasting Corporation is killing itself, 500,000 people have stopped buying a TV license. This Aquarian got rid of television in 1998, and all of the MSM cable networks are suffering with reduced customers. 

Aquarius supports the alternatives, citizen journalists, whistleblowers, people that have a mind and heart for the truth and freedom. One of the reasons that Tucker Carlson and James O'Keefe are doing a great job in America with millions of views. My view is that with Pluto in Aquarius at the end of 2024 we will see big changes in publishing. 

I'm typing this while listening to the video and responding at the same time. I'm always interested in a range of views, even though I may not agree with those views. 

It's important to know what people are being told so that people of integrity can respond to it. It is natural for Aquarians to think outside of the box that governments like to put the people in. 

Aquarius can't be typecast because they can shift realities very quickly. It is often said that we are deep thinkers, I would say we think differently to other star signs. It has been written numerous times that Aquarians are the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac. So do your utmost not to misunderstand the timeline of Pluto in Aquarius transit. Be has clear in yourself has you can be, be has honest with yourself has you can be. Strive to be the best that you can be, look after your health because that has been under attack. 

Aquarius does not fear change, or the unknown, Aquarius embraces change when it is for the betterment of mankind and the children of the world. When you have time read up on Oxalates, it could change your health and life for the better. Sally K Norton shared that "Children must not be given oxalates in their diet because their kidneys cannot excrete it".  Big changes coming in health and how we view it. Oxalates also impact upon metabolism and every cell in your bodies. Aquarius likes research, make sure yours is kept up-to-date in all the areas of life that matter to you has an individual and as a partner in the collective. 

The water carriers like the panoramic view of the bigger picture and remember that Aquarians are usually ahead of their time, you can only reach them in tomorrow when you reach where they are in the process of life. For instance I bought a property decades prior to my parents purchasing property. Eventually, my Aries dad understood. Aquarians are hard workers, they apply themselves with tenacity and they like interesting jobs whereby they can reach their potential. 

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