
Saturday 22 July 2023


Sky has provided a video presentation on the New Nodal paradigm of North Node Aries and South Node Libra that began on the 17th July and will continue until 11th January, 2025. Quite a big transit in the medium term. He has looked at each sign too, so you can wizz through to your sign specifically. 

The 17th of July was the "Day of Career" and the 11th January is the "Day of Evaluation", so how will you evaluate your successfulness at the end of this timeline? A lot of effort is required for success whether that is in work or relationships. My dog is an Aries and he will be joining an Agility group in 2024, he's in his 2nd year of obedience training, it is brilliant for his active mind. 

Nutrition is highlighted in my own sign of Aquarius and I'm currently looking into Oxalates. Clear goals are necessary and teamwork. Keeping the receipts and record keeping is important. 

Sky shares that Performance art is great for Aquarians in this timeline, better than business due to a natural attractiveness. In August I shall be joining a water aerobics group, continuing with swimming for exercise and I've already joined a beginner's yoga group. Health is always important in my life. 

This is a two year transit combined with Pluto in Aquarius, hence, it is a very important timeline for Aquarians. In February, 2024, I will be in a 7 year again, teacher/student numeric, Jesus had this numeric. My son is also an Aquarian and at the end of January he will be in a 5 year and that is very physical.

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