
Friday 7 July 2023


I began growing celery around 7-8 years ago, it grows lovely in England due to how much rain we get. I like celery fresh, I also like it cooked, celery soup with coconut milk is lovely too. I've always eaten celery during my life. Our family used to have a pint glass with celery in it on the table. Party food is great including celery, I put cream cheese in celery boats. When my dog was a puppy, I would give him celery to chew on, its good to give to dogs after any veterinary treatment too. Celery juice ice cubes are great in the summer, another way to get some celery juice into your dogs. 

This chat is with a medical medium, Anthony William, Anthony says that celery is a herb and not a vegetable. He's authored a book on Celery Juice, this chat was uploaded two years ago, I don't think I've posted it before. 

Celery is great for detoxifying the adrenals, that impact on the kidneys and the liver. However, I find with different health cases that everyone requires something different at different times. I trust in Spirit and the guidance that is given when I receive it on behalf of someone else. Working with Spirit can be very intensive. 

I asked a beloved friend to eat celery after he had been diagnosed with stage 4 blood cancer, he responded. "Celery is has boring has riding a bicycle". He was hard work to help. However, he understood the message received for him on "electrolytes".

I don't agree with Anthony on eggs, eggs have lutein and lutein is really important for eyesight and regulating the bowels. If you have post-infection IBS, iodine is very important, iodine is in yogurt, ice cream and eggs. 

When I was at the peak of the menopause and suffering from chronic fatique, my son and I had a divine experience with eggs, he brought home 38 eggs from work and they had to be eaten in ten days. Eggs really boost your energy. 

There was some interesting research published in the Daily Mail today. American scientists have published some new research on the importance of full-fat dairy foods for health. I never followed the low-fat fad. I never stopped eating eggs or real butter either, nor did my mum.

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