
Sunday 9 July 2023


Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street, ESG policies are being scrutinised by the US Congress, due to the likelihood of their policies being in violation of the US "anti-trust" law.

In the UK, banks are refusing to fund the British defence industry. The Daily Express reports that the banks are a "a risk to national security" due to the potential collapse of vital military firms. It's clear from the article that ESG policies are involved in this and the collapse of our defence industry would ensure that military equipment was bought from abroad and that is a risk to security.

Remember what has happened to British car industry, not much of it left is there? Maggie Thatcher knew that our manufacturing ability was so important for future prosperity for the UK. Hence why she worked so passionately to help it and refused to give up our right to sterling, our currency. Remember her campaign, "Buy British". Invest in British people and companies. 

The issue with the MOD is the amount of land that has been sold off to foreign investors and property developers in the UK. Chelsea Barracks were sold off to Qatari for property development, whilst some of our veterans are on the streets and emergency workers can't afford to live close to their jobs. Any MOD land sold off should have been given back to the people that paid for it, to the British people not sold to foreign entities. Never borrow more than your assets allow and the MOD assets are diminishing year on year. 

On the illegal immigration issue, my solution is to hand that part of immigration over to the MOD, due to their being a national state of emergency in the UK, it's a national catastrophe and the invasion is a huge security risk for the UK. Hence the MOD must be involved. 

Councillors in Bristol have said they plan on doubling the population of Bristol, that means an increase of 500,000 people, at the same time has the UK is overpopulated. People in the UK, live in the smallest properties in Europe, most of our people are living in cramped spaces.  Sewage operators and farmers say that there is 100M people living in the UK and we know the state of the infrastructure and how it isn't there to support the current population growth. 

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