
Sunday 9 July 2023


A Canadian woman was given the Astra-Zeneca injection, she was given the government injury compensation. This lawsuit complaint is against the Canadian Health Agency. The lawyer explains the case in this 17 minute interview. 

Astra-Zeneca was banned in many countries. Their Chief Scientist died of CJD, has reported in March, 2021. 

We already knew that the Nanotechnology mRNA/Spike Proteins in the injections could cause CJD due to earlier research that was shared on this blog. Although the research scientists had worked on the Pfizer one in this specific research. 

Covid 19 injections and the risk of prion disease.

I can't call them "vaccines", because they are not. Just because something is injected into your arm doesn't make it a "vaccine". Dr David Martin looked at the patents in America. This is David Martin speaking to the EU recently about the jabs. 

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