
Friday 9 June 2023


Videos are uploading again, good. This is a 38 minute presentation from Roland Legrand on the new Venus transit in Leo. It began on the 5th of June and continues until the 9th of October. 

The 5th of June was the "day of brilliance" and the 9th of June is Johnny Depp's 60th birthday. Happy birthday to Johnny and congratulations on turning his back on "hollow" Hollywood. Johnny is following his heart of creative passion and that is very much aligned with planet Venus. 

With Venus in Leo there is bound to be some drama, so no surprise that Harry was involved in another drama with his court case in London this week. The double standards of Harry, doesn't care about the privacy of others that he shared in his book "Spare", he only cares about his own while he sells his privacy to the highest bidder. Hence, I don't have any sympathy for Harry and Meghan. I agree with the people, the media should stop writing about the couple, just ignore them. 

This week Fox News is having a meltdown over Tucker receiving over 100M impressions on Twitter with his first 10 minute episode.  They can't silence Tucker, he has already uploaded his 2nd episode last night. At midday today he had already received 32.7M views. 

Anyway, have a listen to Roland, if you are interested in this Venus and Leo transit. Roland's advice "don't be a victim of the change", be master of the change, be master of your desires otherwise it could be more costly than a person thinks it will be. One of the reasons that it is essential that people are master of their feelings, otherwise, like Harry they receive a "gotcha". The KC cross-examination of Harry certainly delivered lots of "gotcha's". Where's the evidence Harry? Where are the facts of the case? Harry is the man that didn't even turn up for his girlfriend's 22nd birthday party, he decided to go out with his friends in Paris instead. Please take responsibility for your co-creation Harry! 

That's when the reality checks arrive and after listening to Roland's presentation, this transit is significant in this regard. Of course, reality checks can be costly. Hence it is important to be aware of planetary configurations. 

Harry is a perfect example of not being in control of his desires, he has not mastered himself and gone beyond his perceptions of reality. In Buddhism, a "craving desire" is the cause of all pain and suffering. 

In esoteric Christianity, Jesus advised his closest companions to not get entangled e.g. emotionally. Hence, he was counselling his followers to not allow emotion to control their lives, he was teaching them to go beyond and be master of their reality. 

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