
Sunday 11 June 2023


Reckless cyclists that have killed people only get two years in jail. The law of the land has to be changed and will be changed. Enough is enough.

Last week has my dog and I were crossing the road a cyclist decided to weave between us prior to us stepping onto the grass verge. I teach my dog road awareness, I'm fully aware of the procedure for crossing the road. Yes I looked left and right, so where did the cyclist come from? I have no idea. Even my dog didn't hear him coming. 

Cyclists don't even toot a horn to let you know they're coming in your direction. Very few of them actually wear helmets, even fewer have lights on their bikes, or wear something that is recognisable of a night. 

A majority of our population are against millions being spent on cycles paths for a tiny minority too. 

Insurance for bicycle riders is essential and an identifying number plate. 

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