
Saturday 24 June 2023

NEW STATESMAN -v- Rishi Sunak Economy

Andrew Marr, New Statesman discusses Rishi Sunak "completely misread inflation". Andrew Marr says that 50% of people with mortgages are planning to remortgage during the next year. It's important to remember that prior to Sunak becoming PM, he was the Chancellor, so the responsibility clearly stops at his door. 

What do Sunak billionaires know about a cost-of-living crisis, I agree they're totally out-of-touch with the stark reality of it and the impact that it is having on families. Quite pleased that I don't have a mortgage at this time. We knew years ago that a financial crash was coming, the property market is totally overpriced, both buying or renting, it is totally overpriced. It has been fuelled by low interest rates enabling people to purchase beyond their means. When I first purchased you were only allowed to borrow twice your annual salary. 

Thats what happens when people buy numerous properties has an investment to earn from rentals at the same time has not enough social housing was built. That's what happens when you allow foreigners to purchase properties pushing up prices for British people. That's what happens when you don't close the borders and people are allowed to invade our country. The farmers say there is 100M people living in the UK. They know by the amount of food they're growing and selling, 

One million student visas were given out by the Conservatives in 2022, where do you think they are all living? Many foreign students buy first time buyers properties, that has pushed up the price for first time buyers that were born in our country. 

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