
Friday 7 April 2023


Migrant Watch reveal that foreign students come into UK via recruitment agencies, loopholes in the law to enter the labour market. Foreign students from non-EU countries not turning up for classes etc. They didn't come to study, they came to work and residency which includes chain migration. 

Some students took their student grants and still didn't turn up for classes. Economic migrants. Universities in the UK receive 7BN for foreign students, hence, they like having foreign students because it is 17% of their income. Things have to change because it is often the case that students born in the UK are unable to get a university place. I remember a friend share that on the degree course that she did there were over 850 applicants and only 35 places available. 

The more foreign students there are the less places there are for our children. Yet, universities would rather educate foreign students than they would our own. Then you get foreign students standing against our civilisation, culture and laws to destroy it. So what about the long term and the education of our people, doesn't anyone even think about that? 

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