
Tuesday 21 March 2023


Happy Spring Equinox, 21st March, 2023. 21st March is the "Day of Clarity". My car went in for an interim service this morning. The dog loved walking back from the garage, he likes getting his feet in the mud. I've been Spring cleaning and am very pleased that I bought a carpet cleaner, it is doing a great clean up job. Hope you are having a productive day on this day of clarity. 

Have a wonderful Spring Equinox 2023. It's wonderful to see the pink blossoms appear on the trees. A new moon in Aries too and my furry companion was born in the sign of Aries. The Aries dog is the baby of the zodiac that loves to love. He will be two years old on the 27th of March. How time goes so quickly. 

So it begins, the new astrological year in 2023, let clarity be your focus, for when you are focussed, clarity comes. 

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