
Tuesday 28 March 2023


Carolyn Akinyemi, founder of the Eczema Academy has four children with eczema, has such Carolyn has a lot to share about her discoveries. Do you have a flare up after eating certain foods? It could be due to an histamine intolerance. Personally, I find it difficult to ascertain which food is the culprit for a flare up, although I think sugar is involved in it. 

During the Human Genome Project the scientists also discovered that cuts in childhood mutates a gene that then causes allergies and skin conditions. The research was published in New Scientist, May, 2006. 

Anyway, let's support Carolyn and what she has to share from her experience. 

Dr Ben Lynch has written a really good book on histamine intolerance and the book is called "Dirty Genes". Ben Lynch is a cell and molecular biologist, he also has a doctorate in naturopathic medicine. His passion is identifying the cause of disease that directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction. 

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