
Friday 24 March 2023


I had an accident on a bicycle while I was on my honeymoon and a huge deep bruise on my stomach due to it. At age 25, it was very painful indeed, due to the handle bars going into my stomach while riding in countryside on a Greek Island. I didn't get on a bicycle again unless I was working out in the gym and I never found it comfortable to ride a bike. 

Is that because I am one of the women that has a backward leaning womb, the uterus tilts backward.  It's otherwise known as a "Tipped Uterus". When the medical profession told me about my anatomy in my 20s, I recollect being told that 25% of women have the same has I do. 

Has we know, the government has decided that everyone should take a bus, walk, or cycle in your new 15 minute cities and millions are being spent by every council in the land putting in cycle paths on what was once our roads. While there are dangerous pot holes everywhere that aren't only dangerous to car drivers, but for cyclists too. 

In some areas roads and streets are even being replaced with pedestrian walkways at huge cost to the local residents. Have you noticed that your council tax bill is going up yet again? 

What they haven't told you is how cycling can harm your physical body, your pelvic floor, muscles and nervous system. Cycling can cause nerve damage and trauma to the pelvic structure.

It's not just women's health that is at stake either, men's pelvic floors are also impacted upon by cycling.

Whether people like it or not, cycling is unnatural for the human body, the body that does its best to live in the 21st century environment wasn't built for cycling. Also intensive exercise increases uric acid levels, when medics are trying to get people to keep their uric acid levels down. Be kind to your bodies and your bodies will be kind to you. 

42M for a cycle lane and the destruction of trees in Holland Park in London to make way for it. Outrageous waste of public finance.  Jeremy Clarkson gives his view of it. 

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