
Thursday 16 February 2023


Roger Waters gave a speech to the UN Assembly on the 8th February, 2023 on behalf of "we the people", he says a "voice for the voiceless". 

The member from the UK at the UN looks mortified has Rogers calls all of the UN members out and demands a ceasefire and a stop of the UN war machine. There are only five permanent members of the UN, has such, Roger refers to the UN has being "undemocratic" too. 

He had a lot to say in his 14 minutes speech, worth a listen to what he had to say to the UN. I may not agree with every word he said, although I support his right to say it, in the manner that he chose. 

I certainly do agree with Human Rights for everyone and the end of the war. Has we know that western governments engineered the war between Ukraine and Russia. 

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