
Tuesday 7 February 2023


Manuel Defango and many others have either been banned or suspended from Twitter for posting Tweets about a woman known has Eliza Bleu on Twitter. It is written that Elon Musk has unfollowed the woman since 20+ accounts have been impacted by this story. Eliza threatened legal action when screen shots of her working professionally in a music video was Tweeted by content creators and citizen journalists when they began asking questions. 

The musical group, WorldStar, have weighed into the controversy and declared that the woman being questioned was paid for appearing in the video and the filming was consensual. Has such the video is WorldStar's copyright.

There is even film footage of Eliza Bleu discussing how proud she was with the music video, including a discussion with her own mother about it. 

This is a discussion with Manuel Defango explaining his side of the story and he goes over the history of the case. Defango's account on Twitter was locked after he tweeted a thread about her. From what I've seen and heard in recent days on this case, Defango is credible, factual and sounds like he is in integrity. Hence, the reason why I am featuring him speaking about this story. 

Internet accounts should not be locked for asking people questions, simple has that! Asking questions is essential to freedom of speech and the truth. Don't speculate, listen to the evidence. 

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