
Friday 24 February 2023


Nate the Lawyer, shares with us that the Supreme Court Justices in America voiced hesitation in upending a key legal shield that protects the big tech industry from liability for their user's posts during argument in Gonzalez -v- Google on Tuesday. 

Justices across the ideological spectrum expressed concern with breaking the delicate balance set by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in their ruling on the case. 

Nate the Lawyer (former NYC police officer and prosecutor) explains the case. From what I heard one of the Supreme Court Justices would like congress to update the law on Section 230 because it was originally given to big tech before the internet became what it became. One thing that could be included is that companies that are given Section 230 are not allowed to be operatives for the US or any other government, or any of its officials. 

The Gonzalez case is a serious one, and the people from different countries have been complaining for years about Islamic Jihadi recruitment taking place on the large platforms, especially Youtube and Twitter. Although a lot has changed on Youtube since the complaints began to be made. 

I think that Google do shadow ban, in 2022, I was receiving 15,000 visits a month and a majority were coming from France. The stats in the last couple of months have gone down to 1,500 a month very suddenly, and now there are more visits from Americans than the French. Whereas in recent years the French were the largest amount of visitors by far. Something's up! 

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