
Tuesday 17 January 2023


New Moon in Aquarius on the 21st January, 2023. 22nd, Venus leaves Capricorn and into Aquarius. The 22nd is also Chinese New Year of the "Water Rabbit", in the year of the Rabbit it's a good year for leaps and jumping over any obstacles in your way. 

This video from Sky is on the New Moon in Aquarius, new moons are great for new beginnings, time for action. It's powerful because it precedes all planets going direct and you will feel the planetary energies impacting upon you and your life if you pay attention to the energies. 

With Aquarius being an air sign, sign of the mind, thinking logically, factually. Aquarians tend to think things through prior to taking action, we like to be has sure as we can be in regard to the actions that we take e.g serious relationships and partnerships. Although We can be more spontaneous in youth and love life than we are in our work lives and career. 

Wherever finances are concerned, Aquarians don't like risk taking. We engage in risk management, so for instance; the risk of taking anything provided by big pharma; that can impact upon our health, that can then impact upon our work lives and finances. All the Aquarians that I know refused the Nanotechnology mRNA injections. We tend to do our research on that which can impact upon our longevity and stability. 

We do like freedom and we don't like anything that is unnecessary, the experimental injections were certainly unnecessary and so were the face masks and lockdowns. Aquarians can be blunt in speaking the truth and we have to be mindful of the impact that can have on others. 

Some are a lot more sensitive than others regarding certain issues that humanity have had to face in the last few years. We do forgive, but we are like elephants we don't forget. 

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