
Tuesday 10 January 2023


Jewish knowing about reincarnation. I was divinely led to become a Past Life Healer and heal Past Lives, including my own. A very important journey for all mystics and healers to experience and people. 

Most people rarely comprehend that past lives impact upon their unconscious mindfield and it manifests in their lives and actions in many different ways without them realising it. Hence, the healing process is empowering because it helps people to learn more about your soul and what motivates while your soul is being purified. Once the soul is purified, in my experience, it then merges with the Spirit. 

Christian Origen also knew about reincarnation, IMHV, that was one of the reasons that the Church of Rome stood against him and his work.  St Jerome's letters are an interesting read too, they mention the spiritual law and how they stopped teaching it in Egypt due to Egyptians killing and maiming themselves for transgresses it. 

This Rabbi shares about the transmigration of the soul. A 45 minute presentation. 

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