
Sunday 15 January 2023


Holistic Veterinary Surgeon from Canada, Dr Jones is great, I tuned into him at least a decade ago after receiving a dream of Dr Dolittle from the film. 

This is his recommendations on solutions for Dogs and Cats with liver disease, he says that the animals liver can regenerate itself.  On-line an American friend said that she'd had success with Milk Thistle which is one of the herbs that Dr Jones recommends. 

What people have to remember is that chemicals in the environment impact on the health of our pets. Also diet impacts upon their health and so does medication and vaccinations. 

One of the foods that I've given to my dog since he was a young puppy is celery for detoxification. I just let him chew the celery and take from it what he required from it. I also cooked the celery and let him have it in an ice cube in the summer or put a cube in his water. He also had celery in his chicken liver and lambs liver treats that I make for him with herbs and veggies. 

It was important to build up his immune system before vaccinations and afterwards. Also after any medication. I don't give my dog flea, tick or worming medication on a regular basis unless there is an issue. How do I know? I have his stools tested or I recognise there is an issue with his stools. I usually have his stools tested every 3-4 months just to make sure that everything is OK. 

I'd rather spend the money on testing than on monthly medication that can have a detrimental impact upon his health. If and when he did have to have some medication than I chose that which is the least harmful for his body. In his first year of life my pup caught Fox Lungworm and Giardia. Parasites and bacteria from the environment. Fox Lungworm isn't native to the UK, it was brought into our country from abroad. 

In addition, for his gut microbiome, he was given Verm-X crunchies from a puppy, and I now supplement him with the Verm-X liquid. He has one or the other, the crunchies or the liquid. In 2022, he had a Pancreas test and his pancreas is in good working order. In fact, he is a very healthy dog overall, although he has been given the very best that I could afford and his main diet is raw, species appropriate. 

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