
Monday 30 January 2023


Pfizer is big news, thanks to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas undercover journalist that met with a senior Pfizer executive. His name, Jordan Trishton Walker. 

The truth is out about how big pharma is "directing evolution", manipulating Covid viruses for profit. The Daily Mail featured an article on it and then removed it, obviously under pressure from either the British government or Pfizer. 

This big story of how dangerous Pfizer is has taken the world by storm on social media, there were 16M views on Twitter of the original film before YT removed it. 8 hours ago, James O'Keefe shared on his Twitter feed that there has been 25 million views of it. 

Project Veritas videos are posted on more than one platform we have various avenues where videos can be posted now. That helps to get the truth to the world. 

There are a few clips from it in this short video compilation. 

We cannot be silenced, there is too many of us that know the truth. We do not consent, we do not comply with the devastation that big pharma has inflicted upon humanity. It is the biggest crime in the history of the world against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0 can't come soon enough! 

Dr Zelenko said that what big pharma are doing with the injections is genocide it's a bio-weapon and that was prior to this latest expose of the perpetrators of it. 

KIM.DOT.COM has Tweeted on this subject matter. In Pfizer's response to the expose, they admit that they are outsourcing work to contractors to engineer viruses to assess anti-viral activity. The details of this must be investigated. WOW!

After the expose was launched, whistleblowers from Pfizer came forth and are speaking to James O'Keefe, so watch this space, has there is a lot more coming. 

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