
Wednesday 11 January 2023


"BREAKING NEWS: COVID-19 Vaccines are a U.S. Department of Defence Military Operation, designed, developed and manufactured by the DOD. Pharma only executes orders. The FDA played no role in the approval process it was all acting, pretending, committing fraud on the world. 1 of 4."

Unroll of the Twitter Thread.

In the UK, the Tory party are suspending an MP, Andrew Bridgen over a Tweet. He wrote that the "Covid vaccine was the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust". In fact, it has been the biggest crime in the history of humanity. 

Andrew Bridgen MP is one of the very few Conservative MPs that has been defending our human rights. He is also on the investigation committee that is investigating the whole Covid saga. Now the other Tories that seek to gain from the crime are trying to cancel him altogether.   

Remember this: Rishi Sunak's Hedgefund Company invested $500,000 into Moderna and Sunak refuses to respond to journalists questions on whether he will profit from the injections. Of course he will.

Rishi Sunak has an offshore Trust Fund too. 

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