
Thursday 12 January 2023


The Tories have suspended Andrew Bridgen MP from the Conservative Party. He is one of the few Tories that stood up for our Human Rights and Freedoms. He was on the Covid investigative committee that began in 2022, although he and a couple of other MPs were outnumbered by those that supported the injections that are killing millions. The investigation is going on into 2023. 

With Andrew suspended, it means that there will be fewer people on the committee seeking the truth. 

That's the real reason this man who has a degree in genetics; is being cancelled by the Conservative government.

Rishi Sunaks HedgeFund Company invested $500,000 into Moderna, this year the media shared that Moderna have been given authority to build a factory in the UK and in other European countries. Any politician that has invested in Nanotechnology mRNA technology has blood on their hands. 

This is a video of Andrew speaking on the 24th October, 2022. Andrew has a degree in genetics. 

Emergency doctor has called for the immediate halt of the injections due to the serious adverse events that include cardiac arrests.

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