
Thursday 29 December 2022


Author, Neurologist, Dr Perlmutter, says that uric acid isn't just about gout. It can be the cause of weight gain, diabetes, heart disease and dementia.  In this discussion between Levels Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Casey Means, and Dr Perlmutter; they cover the discovery of how the elevation of uric acid in the body is a causative mechanism in the development of metabolic diseases. 

Uric Acid is one of the key links between obesity, diabetes, heart disease, neurologic diseases like dementia, ADHD, fatty liver disease and more. 

They also covered: 

- The several mechanisms of how uric acid causes cellular dysfunction and insulin resistance, including oxidative stress, inflammation, and even preventing insulin from getting out of the blood stream effectively. 

- The evolutionary reasons why the metabolic dysfunction and weight gain caused by uric acid would have benefitted us historically in terms of low access to food and water, by letting us more easily pack on weight and raise blood pressure. How we now live in an evolutionary-environmental mismatch where this survival mechanism is now hurting us in the face of caloric abundance. 

They are speaking from an American perspective and has we know the American diet has been very different to the rest of the west. Although since the days that Coca Cola and Pepsi arrived on our land, western diets have become more Americanised. 

- The different dietary and environmental factors that generates uric acid, including fructose, purine rich foods and umami foods, dehydration, alcohol and more. 

- The optimal levels for uric acid. 

- How uric acid impairs our hunger signals, drives us to eat, and even promotes risk taking behaviour. They discuss how to reverse high uric acid levels as a way to unlock optimal health. 

The discussion is 1 hour and 18 mins. 

How vegetables affect Uric Acid 

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