
Friday 23 December 2022

NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN 23rd December 2022.

New Moon in Capricorn, 23rd December, 2022. What did you do today? It's still Hanukkah until 26th December. We've had the winter solstice and now this new moon. Fresh starts and new beginnings, I was out for Christmas lunch today. 

I wasn't impressed for the price, Aquarius likes value for money. I don't like paying a lot when I can cook it better.  Interesting that my birth chart indicates that I'm 'extremely careful when making decisions about money.' It is no coincidence, that in my early work life and career, the finances, budgets and tracking expenditure were part of my job description. This trouble shooter was often hired to turn departments around in the creative industry. So Capricorn in the 2nd house can be good for business activities. 

Lunch today, wasn't very Christmassy, not much atmosphere in the restaurant.  When I was young people used to tell me to open a restaurant, the thing is I like cooking for joy, creative output and enjoying the outcome. 

Although I did cater for large dinner parties and buffets whilst fundraising for local charities helping our people in the local community.  I was blessed to have the support of the local business community with the fundraising, there you go finance again. 

How will this New Moon impact upon you? I only have Capricorn in one of my houses, the 2nd house. What financial decision did I make today? I won't be returning to that restaurant, even if I am invited to go again. It doesn't deserve my custom, I like quality whether I'm paying for it or not.

I did wear a lovely Phase 8 dress with tapework that I purchased from the charity shop this year.  Now that was a good buy for eight pounds. With Capricorn in my 2nd house I can be frugal and I could never approve of the $1,7 trillion omnibus that has passed in the American congress. 

I really don't like waste and definitely don't agree with any country giving money to a different country when the giving country is trillions in debt. It is never a good idea to live on the never and never and America has been doing that for far too long. The UK is not much better either, the British government have continually increased the debt, Maggie Thatcher would have a heart attack to see the size of the UK's debt now. 

From what I've heard Rand Paul and some other Conservatives agree on the American situation. I don't like credit or credit cards, it is far better to save up for what you would like and not spend beyond your means. Elon Musk is fully aware that America the country has been spending beyond its means. 

Even Twitter has been losing $3M a week so who was the Financial Director of Twitter prior to Elon taking over?

Elon has made the right decision to reduce the overheads of the company has fast has he can and one of the guys that was an intern for a month believes that Elon can turn the financial situation around and within a year or two Twitter could be run with 50 staff. 

Elon works fast, he has been fire fighting in his first weeks at Twitter, the tech genius has been trouble-shooting. That's what happens when you take on a new company, department or job to get it sorted professionally. 

He is already seeing an uptake of paid membership of Twitter. That will definitely increase early on in 2023 once he finishes off what he has planned for his customers that are willing to put their money where their mouths are. 

How about you? Do you know what planets are moving in your chart? 

Saturn rules Capricorn, Saturn the great teacher, it can limit and restrict you and your expenditure. For instance: I've been told today by text that some of what I've received on prescription from the GP, eye drops, eye cream etc is now considered to be self-care by the CCG's. (Clinical Commissioning Groups). 

The last time I purchased it myself it cost £48. Its not cheap when you have to buy what is prescribed by the optician and that's just one example. During the lockdowns pensioners were being given Vit D by their GPs that stopped too. So that costs another £17.00 a month, the supplement that I buy includes Vit D and K2. Top quality when health is involved and nothing less. 

In the New Year I am going to put a spreadsheet together of everything I spend on self-care. I think my GP would be shocked. 

Will you be doing a spreadsheet on your outgoings? Will you be looking to see where you can reduce overheads in 2023?  The energy crisis and costs of energy in the UK is certainly limiting people's expenditure and future plans. 

Make sure that your incoming is more than your outgoings and it is important to save for a rainy day.  Financial predictions are that energy prices are going to be even higher in the winter of 2023. Another motto, don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. I've been saying for a long time, the UK is in a recession. I've seen it before, I know the signs. The writing is on the wall. 

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our readers of this blog, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Christmas has to include the voice of George Michael. 

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