
Wednesday 7 December 2022


A British veteran gives his feedback on the recent case involving Lady Susan Hussey, a majority of the people in the UK support her. Peter says no glitz, no glamour, just hard facts. His view is that Ngozi Fulani is a "race baiter" and was "gaslighting" Lady Hussey and the monarchy. 

However, there was and is an agenda against the British monarchy, has seen in the latest trailers from Netflix. We are fully aware that Marlene Headley aka Ngozi Fulani is anti-RF, has proven by her tweets.  

Now on a personal level it doesn't matter to me whether a person has an issue with the monarchy. 

However, I will strongly object to that person if they go after an 83 year old lady. My generation were brought up to respect our elders, to always listen to what they have to say. To be kind and compassionate to elderly people. 

She is also on the Meghan bandwagon and is a supporter of Meghan Markle. Meghan was photographed with Obama in the White House in 2016, and Obama and the American Liberal Democrats do like to throw the "race card". When they began throwing it at yours truly, I threw it straight back at them, has it was theirs to own, not mine. 

My view at the time that the media and monarchy did rush in too quickly on this case, without a prior investigation into Fulani. The people are now asking for an investigation of her charity, and whistleblowers are willing to share their experiences of the woman that made such a noise about being asked "Where are you from?". 

Let us not forget Fulani's charity supposedly received funding from BLM, same BLM that have been appearing in court both in America and the UK. This is a link to the UK case.

When a police officer came to my home in December 2021, he asked, "Where were you born?", I replied "London", we smiled and he replied "I was born in London too, whereabouts?". I knew that the man of colour had been born in London, he had a London accent. Although we shared together exactly where we where born and where we grew up. It's an ice breaker and opens up the conversation. 

68,000 people have signed the petition for Lady Susan Hussey to be reinstated. You might like to sign the petition too, I have.

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