
Sunday 18 December 2022


Shalom, Happy Hanukah everyone, this evening the Festival of Lights begins and ends on the 26th December. So this year we have Hanukah and Christmas at the same time. Powerful. 

I received a dream of being given gifts from Americans, incense, fragrant dried herbs and flowers, it was a lovely dream. Dreaming of dried herbs and flowers indicates an exciting new adventure. 

Elon Musk has certainly kick started an exciting new adventure with the Twitter Files disclosures. Please give him your support at this time, support the light of truth, join Twitter and pay for a tick if you can afford it. Dr Zelenko would be very happy about the next download of Twitter files on Fauci. 

Scholars say Musk isn't mentioned in the bible although the fragrance of Musk is mentioned in the Talmud.

Although in Hebrew, Elon means OAK TREE and on his mother's side he is from Dutch descent, that explains a lot about his nature. 

Blessings in abundance 

Yours truly 

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