
Tuesday 13 December 2022


I won't be spending any money at that shop. News this evening is that a senior member of the British Heart Foundation covered up a report which shows the Covid jabs increases inflammation of the heart arteries. 

Conservative, Andrew Bridgen MP made the claim to parliament that there has been a cover-up. 

Quoting Richard Smith, the former editor of the British Medical Journal, he said: "Research misconduct is rife and not effectively been tackled. Something is rotten in British medicine and it has been for a long time".

Just wait until the next drop of Twitter Files this week and what they reveal about Dr Fauci and his cohorts in America too. 

Elon Musk has been reinstating the doctors whose Twitter accounts were banned. Dr Robert Malone is back and so is Dr Peter McCullough. That is excellent news. 

What was suppressed by governments, the media and the largest social media platforms previously in this regard, will shock most people who refused to listen to those of us that refused the experimental Nanotechnology mRNA for important health reasons. 

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