
Monday 5 December 2022


The first trailer from Netflix has included photographs and film footage that has nothing to do with Harry and Meghan. The Daily Mail have contacted Netflix to ask for comment on the evidence shown in this article.

The second trailer launched by Netflix today includes a Christopher Bouzy speaking, he is an American tech entrepeneur, his company his Bot Sentinel. 

Friends with Amber Heard and Meghan Markle, Daily Mail caption Bouzy has a longtime supporter of H&M. 

Christopher Bouzy is being sued by a former prosecutor, a lawyer from New York, known on-line has Nate the Lawyer. Nate was one of the lawyers that covered the Johnny Depp -v- Amber Heard defamation case. Just so that you know I think he's being sued for defamation, not a good look for Netflix or H&M including him in their show.

Jason Goodman case. Judge rules Bouzy and & Bot Sentinel are in default. 

This is Nate the Lawyer, he uploaded this video about the case three weeks ago. In fact, Bouzy is being sued by numerous people. 22mins into this video Nate mentions Harry and Meghan and the previous book. He also shares that Bouzy said he was working for Harry and Meghan, so he's a paid agent which is why he is appearing in the Netflix documentary, more paid actors. He was also on the payroll of Amber Heard's legal team. 

The plot thickens, especially has Meghan was photographed with Obama in the White House in 2016. Obama loves the "race card" don't he? 

UPDATE 20.30pm 

Since I made this blogpost, Nate has uploaded another video because he has been inundated with calls from the media about Bouzy due to him being featured in the 2nd Netflix trailer on H&M. 

Nate says that the calls were coming in from around the world, it's exploding, the media are actually doing their research now and while they were digging they came across Nate and his case against Bouzy. The media realise that Bouzy was a hired gun for Meghan Markle and Amber Heard. 

The media were trying to establish who Bouzy is and it's going to be all over the newspapers. 

The media are saying the expose of Christopher Bouzy is going to be more damaging to H&M than the documentary. 

Nate is going to do a write up for the media on his own case and other people that Christopher Bouzy defamed while their interest is focussed on this guy. 

Nate also pointed the media to Bouzy's Bot Sentinel's Twitter feed so that they can see it for themselves. Although he also showed them some of the Tweets, the media are going to have a field day on this one. 


There is a petition asking Twitter to suspend Boucy's Twitter account due to him intentionally targeting, and harassing private individuals on Youtube and Twitter.

And more this video includes more lawyers. 


15th December, 2022. Daily Exclusive on Christopher Bouzy and Bot Sentinel. Tech CEO featured in the Netflix docuseries of H&M is a proven troll and is being sued for defamation.

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