
Saturday 17 December 2022


On Thursday evening after going to bed for the night, I soon drifted into dream state. 

In the dream I was outside in some type of street market with stalls. 

While walking along I saw a brown suede jacket fall to the floor at my feet, a man came over to grab it and I said, "It's my jacket", he picked up the jacket and it was a lovely cowboy/native American style jacket with fringes on the arms. 

After he picked the jacket up I could see that the jacket was two different colours. It was a beige and brown, cream and brown and the cream part of it had some kind of motif on it and I think I saw some beads on it too. Then I knew and I said, "It's not my jacket". 

The man was then overjoyed, he was so pleased and happy that the jacket was his. 

In his gratitude for my honesty he gave me some small sticks, like branches from a plant. He also gave a small brown paper flat package with a white feather on the top of it, the white feather was held onto the package with string. Like Native American style packaging. I sensed what he gave was incense. 

Then some other people came over to thank yours truly and gifted more from their stall, dried fragrant bouquets. It looked like dried herbs and flowers together. 

The jacket must have been very meaningful to the tribe to receive such a response of thanks. 

Years ago, I used to paint feathers and give paintings to people and this dream reminds yours truly of the feather paintings. Feathers are also featured in scripture with a positive message. 


In dream interpretation to dream of America if you are not an American, can indicate great happiness through family unity. I associate white feather with Spirit due to the context of it being a spiritual gift. 

Fragrant incense can indicate the lightening of a burden that you have been carrying. In scripture the prayers of the people go up to the saints has a fragrant incense. In dream interpretation wild flowers and herbs indicate a new and exciting adventure. 

What I can say is that my time shared with American's in recent decades has been a big adventure, they even banned me on a Native American website and Linkedin for being honest. Those of us that were banned on various platforms and forums since the internet began, wear it has a badge of honour these days. Our defence of freedom of speech, we never gave up, and we never gave in. 

Americans can often surprise you with their gratitude and generous heart. It isn't what a person gives, it is the purity of the intention that matters. In scripture it is more blessed to give than to receive. 

These guys are amusing. There is the motif too. 

Love beyond measure 

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