
Saturday 19 November 2022


This is an excellent article written by Dr Katie Musgrave, published in the GP magazine on-line Pulse Today. She writes how normal life has been medicalised and I totally agree with her. It is really worth a few minutes of your time to read it because medicalising normal life has put a huge strain on the resources of the NHS and the health of the people isn't improving has a consequence.

Katie mentions CBT that many patients are referred too by GPs.  CBT was developed in America in the 80s and found its way into counselling in the UK. Governments have spent eye watering amounts of money on it although it is not the quick fix or happy pill that governments think it is. It's another system that uses counsellors to tick boxes by asking a number of questions. 

When IAPT CBT practitioners are unable to help someone they close the file because a closed file improves their stats and increases what appears to be the never ending funding. 

In 2014, a conference was held in the UK, high quality clinicians including Professors from the UK, EU and America, they spoke at the conference to challenge the IAPT CBT activities, the overselling of CBT evidence base. It was a brilliant conference with excellent speakers. This short video is an introduction to the conference. You can access the rest of the conference on youtube. 

Then we have a divided nation with a billionaire has its leader in the UK. Former Goldman Sachs man and a WEF member. With taxes the highest in 70 years, and the gap between the rich and the poor widened to the largest that it has been since the start of the 20th century.

However, our western nations are also divided by those that live in integrity and those that do not, those that support "corruption", and those that either deny it or support its continuance. It has all makings of a revolution, probably why so many of our youth were drug bombed to keep them quiet. 

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