
Saturday 5 November 2022


The longest eclipse of the year, the Total Lunar eclipse on November 8 and it is in Taurus. 

You might already feel the energies coming in. 

Roland Legrand shares his view of the planetary configuration. 38 mins. What's important in your life? Providing for essentials for yourself and your loved ones. You might feel a change within yourself, I feel the change and it is more positive than otherwise. 

Improvement felt and seen with some health issues that I've been experiencing, how about you, are you feeling better than you were a couple of weeks ago? I also gained a win last week in my financial resources, although much of it will be spent on car repairs. 

Drive safely in November, because the weather can change quickly, especially in the UK. 

This eclipse is a SAROS 136 and the last time we had one in this series was on the 28th October, 2004. 2004 was a great year for yours truly, very spiritual. 

It won't come around again until November 2040. 

Compound of 136 is ten = new cycle of time, we can certainly see that happening at Twitter with Elon Musk and the changes that he is making to the business of the social media platform. If anyone can transform it, he can. The 7th is the "day of discovery", the 8th November is the "day of borderline". 

It's not surprising that there are major incidents related to borders going on. Taurus loves safety and security in the home life and country. Hence, there is a lot of backlash going on to do with "illegal migrants". 

My view is that we should be charging France for the inconvenience and costs of £7M a day, instead of paying them to employ extra staff. British politicians have to get their priorities right and put the people of our country first. Zero tolerance the same has Australia, if Australia can implement zero tolerance so can we in the UK. It has to be public policy in defence of our nation against the invasion of our culture and homeland. 

Parents that cross the channel on boats to reach our shores are not fit to be parents due to them putting their children in extreme danger. When my son was a child I wouldn't even take him to countries whose sanitation wasn't up to scratch. His health was put first and I never put him in any danger. 

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