
Saturday 15 October 2022


Today was the day to visit a local annual spiritual expo, it was lovely to see so many people enjoying themselves receiving treatments and chatting to stall holders. While there I picked a card and it said, "Reconnect with the Physical", I had intended to receive a healing treatment and then a shoulder, head and neck massage. It was so relaxing that I could have dosed off. 

On my return home I received this message "You will manage". 

People often say "I'll manage",  in England when referring to finances, one could also apply it to one's health e.g. "My intention is to manage without having a hip operation". 

Although, I find it interesting to view the scripture to see if and how the word appears. In the NT women are asked to manage their homes. 

In the book of Timothy it mentions how an overseer must manage their own household well and keep the children under control, e.g. disciplined.  That is particularly relevant when there are activists running amok in England, blocking busy roads in London, throwing milk over counters in stores, throwing soup over a Van Gogh painting worth millions. 

My dad, the Son of Joseph would be appalled at such behaviours and lack of decorum shown by the protestors. Has one man pointed out oil is used to get those protestors their food to eat, they all use oil in one way or another, even to ship in their avocado's. 

Yet, they have the audacity to cause a scene in London while fire engines and drivers are doing their utmost to get to their destinations in an emergency. It makes you wonder how much discipline the protestors experienced whilst growing up. 

The book of Luke mentions a saying from Jesus "who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time?". 

The Greek word translated has manager in that verse is oikonomos, Greek Strongs 3623, it can also be translated has guardian or steward.

Carl Jung pointed out that the word translated as faithful actually means "trustful loyalty". He certainly did dig deeply into scripture on his journey into the meaning of life. 

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