
Sunday 2 October 2022


On Thursday, I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and I could smell a person in a hospital gown. At the time I wondered who it was drawing close. 

The same day while at an appointment, I asked the Chiropractor if he had seen an elderly friend recently. He then shared that her husband John had passed over and his funeral was on Friday of that week. A private funeral for the family. I asked him where John passed and he replied, "in hospital". 

After that I began receiving messages but they were coming through somewhat haphazard, which is often the case when a person first tries to speak from a different dimension and plane. 

Today, I posted a card of condolences to his wife. 

Then after my breakfast I received two messages. 

"You are gifted". 

"You made a lovely dinner". 

At Chinese New Year in 2019, I made dinner for John and his wife Judith. That message was further identification. 

The last time I saw them both was when I dropped off the gluten free mince pies and Christmas pudding in December, 2021. 

It is lovely confirmation of life after death. 

He has been blessed and I was honoured to give him hands on healing during his life on this planet. 

I know that you will rest in peace John, you hold wonderful memories of your journey with your loved ones and we hold lovely memories of you and your smiling face. 

John was always so happy to see people arrive. A devoted Christian that went to Church every Sunday, it was and is John with the light sparkling in his eyes. I knew for a long time that he was ready to go, our prayers are now focussed on his widow. Although I know, he will continue to walk beside her, they loved and love each other so much. 

And so it is that people are able to contact yours truly on the love vibration. 

The bible also speaks of the spiritual gifts that are bestowed, being able to communicate this way is an ability that is gifted. Mary Magdalene was also able to communicate with Jesus this way, she was clairvoyant too. 

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