
Saturday 29 October 2022


In the 80s, I saw a skin specialist privately opposite St Thomas's Hospital in London. The consultant shared that he saw three different skin conditions happening on my body.  Dermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis. 

Prior to seeing the Opticians about an eye condition last week, I was given the message "DERMATITIS". Then when I saw the optician, it was identified that I have a common condition known has "BLEPHARITIS", and that can also cause "Conjunctivitis". 

Not only that, the bottom lid on my right eye has turned outwards and the optician said that if it doesn't rectify itself within a couple of weeks then I will have to be referred to hospital for an operation. 

One of the causes of blepharitis is dermatitis. This English hospital shares that there is a yeast involved in it called Malassezia furfur. The condition impacts upon the meibomian glands. We have 25-30 of these little glands behind the eyelashes on each eyelid.

This medical study featured in the British Journal of Ophthalmology discovered that there is a water retention deficiency in patients with atopic dermatitis/atopic blepharitis.

More research will be included in this blogpost has I continue my research. One nutrient that could help is "Glycerin", has that is a carrier for water to the cells. I have been prescribed treatment by the optician, in the UK, we don't get the treatment on the NHS for the eyes unless it is prescribed by a doctor at the hospital. 

I've been wiping my eyes with cotton pads and warm water three times a day prior to applying the cleaning wipes and then the eye drops. There has been a huge improvement in just a couple of days. 

This weekend I am going to start using my eye bath again and then use my red light therapy massager on the eyes to see if we can help the glands. The device does heat up, I will take a photo of it in the morning and include it on this blogpost. My eyes have always liked my Reiki healing hands and the gentle heat that comes too, so calming and relaxing. 

What else do I have to share with you on this blogpost? During the Human Genome Project, it was discovered that cuts in childhood mutate genetics and that then can be the cause of skin conditions and allergies. The science on it was published in the May 2006 issue of New Scientist. 

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