
Sunday 23 October 2022


Why haven't we read about this documentary in the UK? Candace Owens has launched a new documentary on the BLM organisation and what happened to all of the donations, $80 million didn't go to helping African-Americans. 

The documentary is titled "Greatest Lie Ever Sold" and Hollywood in TOTO reports that the documentary skewers media narratives on BLM based upon what happened to George Floyd. It is an eye-opening documentary and I'm looking forward to seeing it after viewing some clips from it on Tik Tok. A trailer from the documentary can be viewed on this link.

Tucker also interviewed Candace about the documentary and that can be viewed on YT. 

Kanye West mentioned the documentary on-line, now the family of Floyd are threatening a lawsuit against Kanye and friends that includes Candace Owens. In the documentary Candace shared that George's family didn't even clear out where he lived or got rid of his car. So now they're bringing a lawsuit? How much money is enough? Apparently, Kayne had already given the family $2M prior to the documentary coming out. The lawsuit is for $250M, goodness gracious me, they pluck figures out of the air in America. You can be sure that a lot of money will be going to the lawyers whether they win or lose. 

However, my support goes to the truth teller, Candace Owens, a brave and courageous woman. 

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind".

Nate the (New York) lawyer gives us his view on the proposed lawsuit. 

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