
Wednesday 5 October 2022


I've been having some tossing and turning with lack of sleep in the last week. When I got up I had a bath and then laid down on the bed and drifted straight into dream state. 

In the dream the glass on my mobile phone was smashed and the glass was on my desk. 

Then I saw my son's dad who passed over a long time ago, he was standing on my right by the side of the desk where the broken glass was and he was talking about "tat" in the home. I do have a lot of baskets and wicker wear that I purchased from the charity shops.

After that I came out of dream state suddenly due to the postman knocking on the door. The postman had brought the Verm-X Crunchies for my dog. 

In dream interpretation "broken glass predicts changing conditions". To dream of a telephone that is out of order, "portends sad news." 

This afternoon, I did receive some sad news, an ex emailed and said that his grandson had tried to commit suicide and is with the crisis team. Also another friend has been taken into hospital again with pancreas issues. So love and prayers for them both. 

This dream was received during Yom Kippur. So let's have a listen to a Yom Kippur sermon. 

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