
Saturday 24 September 2022


Did you receive a divine message and divine guidance this weekend? On Friday, I received the message "Sibyl" and if we look at the roots of the word in Greek it can mean prophetess and/or divine counsel. 

It's not the first time I've been called, or given the word Sibyl in recent decades, although it was many years ago.  Michaelangelo did paintings of the sibyl's from ancient times and they are in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. They clearly had significance for the sibyl's to be depicted and installed into such a grand religious building.  

In Jewish gematria, the word Sibyl is the equivalent of "Good Morning Lord". That's a great way to start your day. Christian texts exist whereby Jesus referred to the Apostles has Lord's. 

5783 compounds to 5 and five is a physical year and reality.  My life cycle is also in a physical year due to my age although that will change in February, 2023. For yours truly, a physical year relates to the health of the body and focussing on my own health and those that are often brought to me for health reasons. 

Now that my adorable 18th month old furry therapy dog has recovered from a horrendous bug in time for Jewish holidays. I can now focus on my health and meditation again. 

On Friday, progress was made with the new Physiotherapist, I also have an appointment booked with my Chiropractor who has been fantastic. X-ray of a knee and some Chiropody and sun beds too next week. 

If I receive any further messages during Rosh HaShana, I will update this blog post. 

Eat has healthy has you can, be has healthy has you can be, put your own physical health first and make it your priority. Sometimes it's not easy, especially when a country like the UK is in a recession and there is a cost-of-living crisis. It is better to eat less and eat appropriately for your body. I will certainly have some apple in honey that is tradition at Jewish New Year. 

Shanah Tovah 

A September song, 

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