
Wednesday 14 September 2022


Queen Elizabeth, there have been so many wonderful tributes to her since her passing. So this blogpost will be different, viewing it from a spiritual perspective. 

The grandmother of the nation passed over on the 8th of September and that is the "Day of Purist". It is also the feast day of Mother Mary. 

I must admit I was very surprised to see her appear before my eyes prior to closing my eyes for the night to sleep. It was the 8th of September. She was wearing a kilt and her cardigan etc, and she was smiling at me. 

I'm sure many people were very pleased to see the double rainbow with a dove in the clouds over Buckingham Palace, equally pleased to see the rainbow over Windsor and the Elizabeth Tower at the Houses of Parliament. 

Then a ray of sunshine shone down upon her coffin in Scotland. A wonderful blessing for her. 

There were also clouds in the shape of her head looking towards the sun captured by a driver. There have been some awesome photographs honouring her passing. 

The last time I saw the Spirit of Elizabeth prior to the 8th was while a friend was in a Hospice in 2021.  I texted him and shared that I kept on seeing Queen Elizabeth with him and she had arrived with a budgie.  

He was former RAF and made an oath to serve the Queen and there she was in Spirit at his bedside. There was a lot more to Elizabeth II than a majority of people know. 

A woman so connected to nature and her animals that brought her joy. A committed Christian that prayed a lot. 

Queen Elizabeth was a symbol of stability, steadfastness, dedication and duty for our nation in the UK. It is the end of an era and her passing has global significance. She really does deserve to rest in peace, yet she won't be able to stop herself from watching over our nation, family, friends and loved ones. 


When I opened my eyes this morning, 15th of September, I saw her again, this time she was young, in her 20s, has she was prior to her coronation. She was speaking of standards. 

16th September, when I opened my eyes I saw her in all of her regalia. 

17th September when I opened my eyes she was a tiara and a maroon dress. 

18th September I received a message about a drama with Andrew and one of his girls, the sense was it was one of his daughters.  

Sunday, I felt compelled to buy pink roses. 

Monday night prior to closing my eyes, I saw her smiling face that has been posted by the media for people to pay their respects and leave messages. My dad, the Son of Joseph met Queen Elizabeth, he said, she had the most beautiful sparkling blue eyes he'd ever seen, 

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