
Tuesday 13 September 2022


My apologies for not posting so much recently. First I was hospitalised with a Kidney Infection and it took some time to recover. Then on Saturday 10th of September, the pup became very sick. 

Sunday, 11th of September, I took him immediately to an emergency veterinary clinic, VETS NOW. 

He was seriously ill and was bleeding from both ends of his body, the condition can be fatal within 24 hours if one doesn't act immediately the blood appears. The vets put him on an intravenous drip and other medications.


Then on Monday he was moved to his own vets where he has been receiving daily emergency treatments, has we know it is very expensive. 

If any of our readers on this blog would like to make a donation for his treatment, you can do so via this safe website. 

Every little helps! 

Many thanks 


His 4th day in veterinary care today, 14th September, due to him not eating which makes it difficult to get him to take the medication that he requires. More blood tests are being carried out today. He is currently traumatised by the health condition that he has suffered since Saturday morning when he began vomiting. His back end is very red and sore, so a cream is being administered today. 

15th September, we both slept well, and he has eaten a little this morning. He is still traumatised by the experience, so lots of tender loving care and healing for him at this time. I think it will take another week for him to return to normal. He's not interested in his toys or his chews. He's just resting. 

16th of September he was returned to the vets and again on the 17th September to receive his medication and another check over. There was one more visit to the vets after that and then he was put on Panacur and a pro-biotic. The total cost came to £2,000. 

Holistic Vet, Dr Karen Becker has provided an informative video about the condition. 

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