
Monday 26 September 2022


The Daily Express has featured some interesting research studies today, on the power of Chamomole to help diabetes patients. 

If you, or a family member have it, a dog or a cat, it might be worth you having a read.

I give my dog some Chamomole tea leaves with his dinner, I also have a Chamomole aromatherapy healing oil that I put on his coat sometimes. Apart from what he catches in the environment, he's usually very healthy. 

I do wish that people would pick up their dogs stools, that is partly the culprit in the environment. 

In our road my dog was the 6th dog to go down with a bloody bug that makes their GI tract bleed. In 2019, in Scotland and Newcastle the media called it the "Mysterious Illness". 

Some vets call it bug, others call it a virus. Although they still don't know what is causing it, in the beginning they thought it might be from the beach, then cases were found inland. This article is from Cumbria.

Thank the Lord he is all better now and very lively again. 

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